HOT NEWS: Here's what's in store this summer for THE LAST WITCH

As you know, it takes a minute to make a documentary like THE LAST WITCH. We are self-funding, meaning that we have to raise all of the funds ourselves to create this incredible movie. But we know it’s worth it and judging by your support, you do, too!
The story is incredibly compelling on screen. Now we need to to film scenes and moments that we don’t yet have to fill in some missing parts. For example, we still want to film:
The original court documents from Elizabeth Johnson Jr’s examination and sentencing
The upcoming Peabody Essex Museum exhibit about the Salem Witch Trials - and a special section that is of particular interest to our story
A few pickup interviews and additional updates on how the participants are impacted by Elizabeth’s exoneration from her wrongful conviction today
Help THE LAST WITCH director, Annika, come to Salem in July!
Filming takes a lot of preparation, so we are thrilled that the Peabody Essex Museum invited Annika to visit them in July to explore the Salem Witch Trials exhibit that is integral to our third act and finishing the film. It’s an honor to receive that invitation!
Annika’s visit will also allow her to meet with middle school teacher Carrie LaPierre and make plans for the upcoming shoot. Not only that, but it will give us an opportunity to meet with potential funders, collaborators and supporters. If you are local, won’t you join us?
Please give us your miles, stays and points!
✈️ Airline miles ✈️
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☕️ Coffee stars☕️ All those unused bonuses that you can’t put to use will make a HUGE difference to us. We will return the gesture with social media shoutouts and maybe even a thank you in the credits!