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THE LAST WITCH is making the NEWS!!! Radio and Newspaper - take your pick!

Look at us make the front page news! Above the fold!

As many of you know, we had an incredible time when we were in Salem last week filming at the Peabody Essex Museum.

The pride of middle school educators, teacher Carrie LaPierre and principal Jorge Goncalves!

It was extra special because of the coverage that we got in the local news media - and thanks to the Eagle Tribune, publisher of The Salem News, we were able to gift 120 copies to North Andover Middle School teacher Carrie LaPierre to continue her amazing work with her students.

If you haven’t had a chance to read the article yet, you can find it below:

Filming at the Peabody Essex Museum means that we now have the material that we need to finish a version of THE LAST WITCH. We still need to edit it… and really we would like to film more as we want to capture a reenactment of Elizabeth Johnson Jr’s 1692 court examination in May…

More on that later, because first we have a lot of storytelling to do so we don’t waste that opportunity when we get there. We need to edit more of the film, including what we filmed this time, and create the story that we know you are all excited and waiting for!

To get there, we are continuing to build our funding community. I got to spend time with the North Andover Historical Society to talk about  opportunities in Elizabeth’s hometown, and I had a great time walking through Salem visiting some of our supporters!

At the Salem Witch Museum, I was particularly reminded of one the many reasons why THE LAST WITCH matters. As the students discuss over and over in the film, bullying never ends well.

There are still horrors that are legitimately labelled witch hunts going on in the world. Elizabeth’s story and our documentary will remind us all that it doesn’t have to be that way.

Don’t you agree?

WITCH HUNT” display at the Salem Witch Museum

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