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Celebrating 2 Years of Filming

Annika Hylmö, Ph.D Writer/Director Photo credit: @ashlycovington

Working on a documentary takes a long time. It reminds me of working on my dissertation! That took several years and I thought it would never end. That’s the way that it is with projects that matter - they take their time to reach fruition.

My dissertation ended up with nominations for best dissertation of the year. It didn’t win, but it made an impact. That’s what I want for THE LAST WITCH.

I’ve been working on THE LAST WITCH for several years now. We started filming two years ago and will film again before we are finished. Just like with my dissertation, I want THE LAST WITCH to be really good before it’s done. The story is worth it.

Looking back at when we started the first day of filming in North Andover, MA, the village where most of the accused lived during the Salem Witch Trials, before Elizabeth Johnson Jr. was exonerated, reminds me of that determination.

Take a look at what inspires me!


Civics education in action!

Ms. Carrie LaPierre and her students work tirelessly in their classroom at North Andover Middle School.


A real State Senator comes to visit!

State Senator Diana DiZoglio worked with Carrie and her students and sponsored the bill in the Massachusetts legislature.


Elizabeth is a real person!

Elizabeth Johnson Jr. became a real person for the students when they visited the Old Burial Grounds. The fact that she wasn’t buried with her family because she was a convicted witch made them even more determined to help Elizabeth get her voice back.

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